Monday, October 6, 2008

time and time again, we fall into the depths of who we are

snow. that's really all i need to say is snow. hell yes!

so let me first just say what has been on my mind lately. i think i'm done drinking for a while. after saturday night i really just don't have a desire to anytime soon. i was so hungover and sick on sunday it wasn't even funny. the thought of alcohol makes me ill.

between tony romo/dallas cowboys and brian johnson/utah utes i'm going to have a heart attack before this football season is over.

you all can judge me all you want, but i miss playing high school football so much.

i love watching my cousins play, (jordan is on the bingham team) austin is still in little league but he's a bad ass. he's going to be such a stud when he's older. he's 10 and he has had like 3 games of 100+ yards of rushing. i love that kid to death, we're buds.

halle-fuckin-lujah! it's my last week at West Valley. i'm going to celebrate so much on thursday. if anyone wants to join in on my celebration (which is still undecided) let me know.

i feel like going on a road trip. i wish i wasn't starting at backcountry so soon (next week) because i really want to go on a road trip to somewhere.

i'm excited to find some new friends when i go back to school/start the new job. i'm in a rut with my social life.

today i started my new diet/workout plan. i've had success so far (since january) and am looking to continue my weight loss to reach my goal. i've come to realize i'm never going to be hollister/abercrombie size but i'm okay with that, my body isn't made to be like that. my shoulders are far too broad to even come close.

i'm about 6'2 and looking to get to about 240 which for that height is a very height/weight proportional weight. i'm not looking to become super skinny but have more of an athletic look. i know most of you don't care although Dani is the only one that reads i think.

i need a new place to work out once i start at backcountry, i will no longer have access to the West Valley facilities. i'm thinking of going to Lifetime Fitness. i'll just have to go in the morning (before 2 pm) or after 10:30 pm.

i really want to go out for sushi and am willing to pay if anyone wants to go.

i guess i should get back to pretending to work. i mean seriously, i'm quitting what's the point in working?

peace and love.



Dani said...

aaron my dear:

i cannot tell you how many times i have said i was done drinking from the "worst" hangover ever. let me tell doesn't work. i can't think of 3 times i swore i would never drink again because of the next day. and all 3 times, i was drinking again within a week. i dunno, maybe i'm just a social alcoholic.

second, i give you mad props on trying to lose weight. i myself have been trying to do the same although its hard as hell. best of luck. p.s. i love lifetime except i'm cancelling my membership because i run around my neighborhood and am taking up yoga and pilates instead of weights. but lifetime is amazing. i will miss it.

last, i am ALWAYS down for sushi. especially if you are paying ;). i am on fall break ALL next week so hit me up!

loves always & keep up the blogging.

Dani said...

*the "can't" in the first paragraph should be a can. mah bad