Friday, March 12, 2010

i just wanna feel something today


so crisp, cool and refreshing. you feel so light and free, the still and dark surrounding you. like floating in mid-air, anti gravity. nothing can stop you. euphoria, pleasure, carefree. over time this feeling starts to wain, your limbs become heavy, chest becomes tight. you get a sense of urgency, panic, your eyes widen. senses start becoming clear and more sharp. you can feel it now. the sheer pain shooting through your lungs and stomach. you reach for the edge but there is nothing to grab. there never was. you slowly start drifting, fading, becoming one with your surroundings. the panic fades, you can see the light now. things become a little more fuzzy and faded, you're getting that feeling again: crisp, cool, refreshing, light, free, stillness....dark.

just a little something i wrote a little while back after a rough night.

this has been a much better week for me. overall it was extremely good. i aced my test on monday, work went well. the rest of the week was mine.

met some new people who are very genuine, lunch with friends. my camera and i in a romance of our own.

wednesday was one of the best days of my year so far...these three pictures sum it up best:


Dad and Duncan

Happiness is a snowstorm

i'm excited for summer, i love winter and snow and skiing/snowboarding but i want some spring/summer lovin.

camping, sitting outside, music at night with the windows down, driving down that familiar road, tans, shorts, flip flops and most importantly, love.

peace and love.


Saturday, March 6, 2010

a day in the life...

it's the beginning of the end....of my blog that is. today marks the day that i change things up a bit and give you a visual look (with some help from photoshop) into my life.

My Life

My Love

My two favorite people

No end in site

The city I was born to love

this has been a tough week, i'm not going to lie. a lot of emotions that i didn't think i'd have to go through again. it's for the better though, things will get better.

i can't say enough how thankful i am for my family. they are my biggest inspiration and i wouldn't be anything without them. my parents are by far the two best/strongest/bravest/*insert any adjective here*. angie and rob as well, i'm excited to be an uncle, i will love your child more than anything else whether it be a boy or a girl. i think it's a boy.

i haven't shown enough love to my TRUE friends lately. i've been caught up with some other things in my life and it saddens me. i wish most of you didn't live so far away but i'm glad that there has been a resurgence of you in my life.

things are turning around, we all have our ups and downs. you can't go anywhere but up after having a low. i look forward to the future, i feel good about myself and where i'm going.

lost 10 pounds and i feel good.

i've decided i'm never leaving this beautiful state that we all live in. take a deep breath salt lake, you're with me for life.

i like the change to the blog, expect one at least once a week.

peace and love.
