Sunday, September 28, 2008

was that a wolf?

can i please just say how much i love camping?

i fucking love it. life is so simple when you're camping. i mean seriously, it's just you and nature. i especially like it now since i have a single tent so i feel like it's just me while i'm sleeping.

i went to yellowstone with angie and rob. those two are so in love it's not even funny. i just hope someday i can find what they have together. they just look so happy all the time.

angie is crazy sometimes, oh well.

saw a shit-ton of bison and elk but no bears.

i think the coolest thing were the wolves we heard last night howling and barking while they were chasing an elk (this is just speculation but we're pretty sure after talking to a ranger).

i'm a pyro. i love fire. i love starting fires.

i got attacked by a crazy piece of wood.

sometimes i feel like i'm in a fraternity because i have a motorcycle. our neighbors in the campground were on motorcycles and we turned into best friends.

someone destroyed the Obama sign in our yard. not to mention the fact that i got yelled at during a stop light because i support Obama.

"go spew your liberal propaganda elsewhere you hippie!" said the 30-something year old guy in downtown south jordan.

i politley said back to him "i wasn't spewing anything, i tastefully have an obama sticker on my truck that just says "hope" on it."

then he muttered something about socialism and kids these days don't know anything and i just smiled at him and threw a piece sign.

seriously, who does that?

it's a little upsetting actually. why can't everyone be like the nice ranger lady in yellowstone who was a McCain supporter but said to me "i'm genuinely happy to see the younger generation getting involved in politics even if we don't agree."

i kind of want to be a park ranger now after seeing them work for a couple days.

i applied at, i have an interview on tuesday and wednesday. i'm excited but extremely nervous at the same time.

more to come later this week, i'm sure.

peace and love.


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