Wednesday, October 8, 2008

this is a story all about how...

i watched the debate. that's all i'm going to say since everyone knows my stance on politics. i thoroughly enjoyed it at points and wanted to break an old man's shoulders (again) at other times.

so i've been taking these pills called Noxycut (after doing much research on the subject). it's a knockoff of Hydroxycut which is made especially for men. has some crazy ass metabolism increasers and caffeine to burn fat blah blah blah but it also has added creatine and tribulus (which is a form of testosterone). i'm going to be straight up and honest i've been super fucking hyped*** the last couple of days. i am noticing results though, which rocks. i'll probably die from them or something, oh well, as long as i look good.

i forgot how much i love weight lifting. i got really into it at the end of senior year (high school) and it really just makes me feel good. i hurt like hell right now but it's one of those good hurts. i've thought since high school i've lost some of my "intensity" but i think i'm starting to get my competitive edge back, which could be scary haha.

since i put my 2 weeks notice in, i have successfully done 0 work in 60 hours so far. man this is awesome.

tomorrow is my last day at west valley and i couldn't be happier.

i love facebook for stalking, it's great. gives me something to do with my day while at work.

i'll probably write something later.

peace and love.


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