Wednesday, November 19, 2008

what it do?

New updates in my life...skiing has started, i spend the majority of my time doing this.

I have a new love in my life, her name is Line Chronic 181 with a 90mm Marker Jester. She's beautiful (for those that don't know, those are my new skis)

I'm going back to school in the spring. Yay Marketing/Business Administration major!

Did I mention I love my job??? Yes? Well I thought I would reiterate the point. check it out for all your outdoor needs....#1 retailer on the web woot!

so i voted...i baracked it fo sho, you know how i do

i won't go into any political spills, but yeah, just a run down, happy about president, pissed about prop 8, pissed about buttars and chaffetz. that's the end of that.

b-to-the-ren comes home in like 6 months....can you say STOKED?? seriously though

i'm going to disneyland the week after thanksgiving, it's going to be awesome. me, rob, angie, mom and dad the happy roberts/haddock family.

rob and angie are now getting married in may which means i'm that much closer to spoling little nieces and nephews.

i had an epiphany the other day, i really want to have a kid, not illegitimate but like a real kid, i love the little tykes and want to teach one how to ski.

by the way, i'm holding open lessons this winter for anyone who wants to learn how to snowboard. if you're interested, let me know. i only charge your company on the slopes, but seriously who wouldn't want to hang out with me.

dating is stupid, i'm done with dates until i find a girl that i really like. seriously. it's just a waste of money for me when they're boring as shit or whatever else. that being said, i'm more than happy to take people that i know out to eat for some good conversation and laughs. if interested hit me up.

i've become so desensitized to thing it's not even funny i've decided. i can talk about the most obscene things and not even be phased by it anymore. it's kind of sad in a sense that's what our generation has come to. but in a way, i like it. it's make everyone a little bit more open with each other. being more open with each other is just another step towards equality in my book.

i'm going to bed because i'm going skiing in the morning so let me just say that i hope everyone has a great day/night, i wish good things to you and love you all.

peace and love.


1 comment:

Rachel E. Bytheway said...

Thanks you. :) I'm glad to see that at some point you started honoring my requests; taking me seriously, if you will.


Seriously tho.. straight up stoked for breakfasts to come.