Sunday, July 5, 2009

haven't been this happy in minutes

hmmmmmmmm.........not really sure what i'm doing but i'm doing it

4th of july? one of the best holidays EVER

fireworks, family, golfing, giant slip n' slides, freedom, LOVE IT

i love my brother in law, for sure, one of the coolest guys i know

so happy that Big B-ren, B-Will, B-Real, Williams, Brennanan, etc. is home
-may Brenaaron be together once again
-we're taking it to the next level, as an official announcement we are moving in together, apartment theme = UTAH

i'm in love with Mason Jennings, went on another spending spree on iTunes
-i have a problem

i've been in a really good mood lately though

new friends, new adventures are fun

old friends and the usual thing is even better

my cousin is going to Argentina on his mission, I'm so stoked for him

my wish currently? to have enough money to buy a house of my own and two dogs to go along with it, i'm thinking Sugarhouse/Holladay area

i really want to start a restaurant as well, the name of it will be Cardiac''s a solid idea, i'm a big fan

getting a tattoo, i'm so happy/excited about it
-called about an appointment today

"if you need a reason as to why you're here, you don't need to look farther than me"

you know that feeling you get that feels good but you don't want it to?
-ah hell who am i kidding

i think way too much about it to be completely honest

just go with the flow

Summer of Love 2009, not so great so far, i need to start working on it

i'm out of thoughts,

i love you all


peace and love.


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