Saturday, May 16, 2009

leave a message and i'll call you back

what it is!

i'm really really happy

school is over

found a job where i work outside

sister is getting married in a week

"my missionary" gets back in like 10 days....the dynamic duo will be reunited

motorcycle weather

mountain biking

awesome weather

"sweet like candy to my soul"

it's a new day, no matter how you look at it

why be sad/mad when you have life?

breathing, living, love

new brother, stoked

my garden is many vegetables

i love my family

happy to be so close with my aunt/uncle/cousins, love the Allens

i have full respect for people who give 2 years of their life to a cause
-i know you guys will do great (my cousin jordan and rachel)
-you have all my support, both of you

i wish all of my friends well, even if we don't talk as much or keep in touch, i still think of you

"we were just wasting time.........doing nothing for the fun"

going to see Dave Matthews at the Gorge in August?????? I hope so

haven't wrote a blog in a loooooooooooong time

it feels good

i want to have a dance party

been watching A LOT of Sportscenter lately

been outside a lot as well which makes me extremely happy

want to go hiking and need a buddy

Environmental Studies, new Major? looks like it
-teaching certificate as well

i'm rad, you're rad, let's hug

i love you all

enjoy your days

peace and love.
